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SK Innovation’s key messages are gathered in one place.
  • “SF until now, SK innovation from now on” 섬네일 이미지
    “SF until now, SK innovation from now on”
    👽 “SF until now, SK Innovation from now on.”

    🌏 Are you curious about what will happen on the future Earth with zero carbon issues?
    Then, you shouldn’t miss "Alien OTT NETZERO", where you can watch shows happening on future net-zero Earth!

    📌 2023 Brand Campaign Video Advertisement?
    SK Innovation declared a Financial Story called 'Carbon to Green’. SK Innovation and its subsidiaries are transitioning their portfolios into green businesses.

    The 2023 PR video showcases the reality of SK Innovation and its subsidiaries along with the key message, 'In this future, it used to be SF until now, but from now on, it's SK Innovation.' Through this, it emphasized that the achievements and vision from SK Innovation and its subsidiaries are not fiction but the future to be realized.
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