General Meeting of Shareholders
SK Innovation practices transparent management through board-centered management.
18th Annual General Meeting of shareholders (March 28, 2025)
18th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (March 28, 2025)
Location and date
Date Friday, March 28, 2025 at 10:00 a.m.
Location SUPEX Hall (3rd Floor), SK Building 26 Jongno, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Notice on how to exercise the voting right other than attending Annual General Meeting of Shareholders(Electronic Vote)
Pursuant to Article 368-4 of the Commercial Act (Exercise of Voting Rights by Electronic Means) and Article 160 (5) of the Enforcement Decree of the Financial Investment Services and Capital Markets Act (Method of Delivering Proxy Forms), the company has decided to adopt electronic voting/proxy to enable shareholders to exercise their voting rights more conveniently.

Upon accessing the webpage using the certificate below, please proceed to vote on each agenda item for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. (You may utilize certificates such as the Coscom Securities Transaction Certificate or the Korea Financial Telecommunications and Clearings Institute's Special-purpose Accredited Certification for Individuals.)

ㆍVoting period: March 18, 2025, to March 27, 2025. Voting will be available 24 hours a day during this period. However, voting will begin at 9 a.m. on the first day and conclude at 5 p.m. on the last day.

Notification on the attending the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders
[Attendance of Shareholder]
◆ Required Documents: Document that can prove the identity of a shareholder (Resident Registration Card, Driver's License etc.)

[Attendance of Shareholder’s Representative]
◆ Required Documents: POA (Power of Attorney Document), Shareholder’s Seal/Signature Certificate, Document that can prove the identity of a Representative

◆ Content to include in the Power of Attorney Document
ㆍShareholder’s Name, Address, and Resident Registration Number (Business Registration number if the Shareholder is a Corporate).
ㆍRepresentative’s Name, Address, Resident Registration Number,and details of the delegated voting rights.
ㆍShareholder’s Seal/Signature

※ If you do not fulfill the aforementioned requirements, you may not be granted access to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. Therefore, we kindly request your careful attention to ensure compliance.

Other matters

18th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (March 28, 2025)
Agenda and results
Agenda Results Approval rate
A. Agendas for Report Business Report, Audit Report, Report of Transactions with Interested Persons Including Major Shareholders, Factual report of internal accounting management system operation, Report of Change of the External Auditor. -
B. Items to bring in Agenda 1 Approval of the 18th Fiscal Year (2024.1.1~2024.12.31)
Agenda 2 Appointment of Directors
Agenda 2-1 Appointment of Non-Executive Director (Candidate: Kang, Dong Soo)
Agenda 2-2 Appointment of Independent Director (Candidate: Park, Jin Hei)
Agenda 2-3 Appointment of Independent Direct (Candidate: Gong, Sungdo)
Agenda 3 Appointment of a Member of the Audit Committee
Agenda 3-1 Appointment of a Member of the Audit Committee (Candidate: Park, Jin Hei)
Agenda 3-2 Appointment of a Member of the Audit Committee (Candidate: Gong, Sungdo)
Agenda 4 Approval of the Ceiling Amount of Remuneration for Directors (KRW 10 Billion)
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