A Total Energy & Solution Company that leads Korea's energy industry

As the largest private energy company in the Asia-Pacific region, SK Innovation leads the mega-trends of the energy industry.
Building on core energy businesses including petroleum, chemicals, LNG, power, batteries, and renewable energy, we offer a diverse range of customer-tailored Energy Solution Packages.

SK Innovation's History
Business Value Chain

SK Innovation operates an integrated value chain that spans from resource exploration and development (upstream) to the sale of petroleum and chemical products (downstream). To secure future growth drivers, we are continuously expanding our business areas, including electric vehicle batteries and separators, leveraging our excellent technological capabilities.

Portfolio Development and Management
SK innovation

Pursuing new business development and strategic investments as a Portfolio Designer & Developer of SK Innovation affiliates

Green Portfolio
SK innovation E&S

Leveraging our competitive edge in operating the LNG value chain, SK Innovation E&S engages in 4 key businesses including city gas, renewable energy, hydrogen, and energy solutions.

SK이노베이션 E&S -에너지솔루션,LNG,수소 SK이노베이션 E&S - 에너지솔루션,LNG,수소
E&P and Other Businesses
SK earthon

Securing energy sources in Korea by exploring major mining concessions around the world and producing oil and LNG.

Petroleum Business
SK energy, SK incheon petrochem

Refining crude oil to produce high-performance fuels, gases, asphalt, and naphtha, a raw material for chemical products

Chemicals & Lubricants Business
SK geo centric, SK enmove, SK incheon petrochemical

Using by-products produced in the refinery process as raw materials to produce chemical products and automobile engine lubricants used in various fields.

Battery Business
SK on

Producing batteries for electric vehicles and ESS(Energy Storage System) while being recognized by global automakers for its state-of-the-art technology.

Materials Business
SK ie technology

Producing LiBS (Lithium-ion Battery Separator), a core material for lithium-ion batteries.

Petroleum Marketing
SK energy

Supplying petroleum products to domestic consumers at SK gas and charging stations, while expanding future energy businesses focused on mobility.

Institute of Environmental Science & Technology

Enhancing the competitiveness of existing businesses through technological innovation and delivering new value to customers by developing future growth opportunities.

Subsidiary companies
SK energy
SK geo centric
SK on
SK enmove
SK incheon petrochem
SK ie technology
SK earthon
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